“How will you design a life with greater meaning, intention, and pleasure?”
-Dr. Penelope Neckowitz
It is my mission to bring to the healthcare world a new way of designing holistic mind/body interventions
Lost and Found: Women connecting to Self following Cancer | Group & 1:1 Programs
Cancer is a life-changing event, no matter the stage or the prognosis, that hits us at the very core of our being. This program helps women who have journeyed through cancer to address their trauma and learn new ways of softening into their bodies that bring greater ease and pleasure to them.
Sexuality, Intimacy and Pleasure | 1:1 and Group
So often women have not allowed themselves the freedom to explore the expanse of pleasure that is possible for them. Learning the unique ways you embody and experience pleasure will deepen your connection to yourself and your partner. In this program, you will learn how to experience pleasure more deeply in your body. As part of this program, you will learn about The Erotic Blueprints™ and Embodied Female Pleasure™ practices and how they enable you to connect to your sensuality, turn on your eroticism, and come home to yourself by celebrating your life force energy. This is a life-altering journey that will help you access more than you have ever imagined possible!
Women Coming of Age | 1:1 and Group
Crossing the threshold of menopause and seeing your road ahead shorten, you may find yourself wondering “is this all there is”. You may have spent your life caring for others, suffered losses and challenges, your body has changed, you worry that sex is no longer possible or pleasing, and you can’t seem to find your libido. This program helps women as they come of age to learn new ways to connect to pleasure within their bodies and to design lives with deep intention and meaning. Embracing our erotic energy, which is life force energy, opens the door to living with more grace, joy, and vitality.
Rethinking Sexuality | Consultation
Working with sexuality and body image for women during and after cancer treatment needs to be approached in a more holistic way. I offer training and consultations to those treating women with cancer. My focus is the integration of a trauma approach with nervous system regulation. The ultimate goal is to help women connect to pleasure and radical self-love in their changed bodies.
Psychotherapy | Practice
Too often as we attempt to create lives of meaning, we struggle with metabolizing thoughts and feelings that pull us off our course. I work to help individuals and couples live with greater depth, intention, and expression. Through the psychotherapy process, you will discover ways to connect more deeply to yourself and live the life you desire. ..
Dr. Penelope Neckowitz, PhD
Dr. Penelope Neckowitz, Ph.D. is a Clinical Psychologist in private practice in Chadds Ford, PA. She has over 40 years of clinical experience providing psychotherapy to individuals and couples to address physical and mental health issues, sexual/relationship concerns, professional challenges, and life transitions.
Dr. Neckowitz has a particular interest in wellness promotion, women’s health concerns, the emotional aspects of medical illness, and women connecting more fully to their sexuality and pleasure. As a breast cancer survivor herself, she has a particular passion for helping women to redefine and deepen their understanding of safety and pleasure in their bodies as a means to promote healing, enhance well-being, and reconnect to their bodies and sexuality. Most recently she has developed and is facilitating programs at CSCDE for women with cancer to address the ways cancer affects body image and sexuality.
Dr. Neckowitz received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of California, Davis, and did her doctoral training at Yale University School of Medicine. She integrates extensive training in sexuality and mindfulness into her practice and teaching, embracing holistic pathways to optimal health. Penelope also draws from her training as a certified Erotic Blueprint™ Coach, an Embodied Female Pleasure™ Facilitator, and a Level 1 Accelerated Evolution™ Coach.
The first step to healing is to acknowledge and embrace our feelings